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A Reminder About Eye Health

The eyes are unbelievably delicate and complex organs, comprising over two million working parts.

But eyes are also incredibly sensitive; directly exposed to external environments, there’s no barrier between the outer world and our high-value optical sensors. We further strain them by doing all sorts of unnatural things, whether it’s staring at a computer screen for hours, rubbing them when they’re tired, or exposing them to too much sunlight. This article seeks to uncover the often-overlooked importance of eye health and what you can do to keep yours in tip-top shape.

Think your vision is out of your control? Think again. While people are naturally born with different levels of eyesight, lifelong vision quality comes down to much more than just genetics. It’s a matter of care. Just like every other part of the body, eyes need ongoing attention to work their best. Visiting the optician every now and then is great, but that’s just a small part of the whole picture. In addition to checking the status of your eye health, it’s just as important to make investments in eye-healthy lifestyle habits and behaviours.

Mitigating Risks In Everyday Areas of Life

Life isn’t easy on the eyes; there are always risks involved in everything we do. Whether we’re driving, running errands, or engaging in recreational activity, we’re all exposed to potential eye damage.

Here are a few examples of common threats to eye health along with best practices to mitigate them:


Is it really possible to overuse your eyes? Absolutely. When we stare at screens for extended periods of time, our eyes can become strained and fatigued. It’s important to give your eyes a break from screens every now and then by taking breaks or doing some eye exercises – more on this later.

Makeup and Beauty Tools

Sure, they make your eyes look good, but they can also be dangerous. Careless use of mascara and eyeliner can cause eye infections and, in extreme cases, even blindness. This is unlikely to happen if the makeup is applied in a clean environment and all brushes and tools are well-maintained.


Driving in bright conditions or at night can be particularly challenging for our eyes. They don’t adjust well to abrupt changes in light and can become strained from the visual fatigue that comes with long hours behind the wheel. That’s why taking breaks is essential – not just for yourself, but for the safety of everyone else on the road!

Contact Lens Care

Contact lenses can improve your vision. But they can also worsen it if not cared for properly. Always use sterile contact lens solution, and never share or reuse lenses. It’s also important to replace your lenses regularly (as directed by your optician). Otherwise, you run the risk of serious eye infections that can cause vision loss.

How to Put Your Eye Health First

It’s one thing to emphasise the value of eyesight and promote healthy practices, but it’s another to actually act on this advice and make it a part of your daily routine. Take a look at the tips below for some guidance on how to get started.

Adopt Good Eating Habits

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables is essential for eye health. Dark, leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale are especially beneficial since they offer high levels of vitamins A and C, both of which are known to help protect the eyes. Eating nuts and fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids can also promote healthy vision.

Get Physical Activity

Regular exercise is important for your overall health, but it can also benefit your eyes. Exercise increases blood flow to the eyes, which helps them stay healthy and reduces the risk of developing certain eye conditions. It’s recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week to maintain optimum eye health.

Practice Focus Exercises

We’ve already established the importance of bodily movement for the eyes. But did you know you can exercise them directly as well? Simple exercises like rolling your eyes in a circular motion or focusing on an object in the distance can help reduce eye strain and improve your vision.

Manage Screen Time

We live in an age where it’s hard to escape screens. Whether you’re at home or work, chances are you’re looking at a computer, phone, or tablet regularly throughout the day. That’s not good for sensitive tools like eyes, and the strain caused by long hours of screen time can lead to eye fatigue and other physical symptoms. To help combat this issue, try setting a timer on your devices to alert you when it’s time for a break from the blue light.

We’re big fans of the 20-20-20 rule – a simple and easy drill that can help reduce screen time-related eye strain. Every 20 minutes, spend a minimum of 20 seconds looking at something that is at least 20 feet away from you.


Protecting your eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays is important, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors. Wear sunglasses that block 99-100 per cent of both UVA and UVB rays when you’re out in the sun. Protective eye gear is an asset when participating in sports or activities with a risk of eye injury.

Wear Prescription Glasses

Wearing glasses or contacts is a great way to keep your vision healthy. Many people don’t realise that the use of eyeglasses can often help prevent eye strain from computer screens and other digital devices. Ensure you get an eye test at your local independent optician at least once every two years, and update your prescription glasses as needed.

Although they may not get as much attention as the heart or kidneys, your eyes are just as important to your overall well-being as any other body part. Every pound invested into their health is well-spent, whether it’s for a visit to the optician or a pair of high-quality prescription glasses. For something we all only have two of, no measure of protection is too much.